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Scaffold ssDNA 4844bp

Scaffold ssDNA 4844bp

Regular price €204.39
Regular price Sale price €204.39
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Choose between:

  • 0.5 ml at 100 nM. 50 picomoles (75 micrograms) of single-stranded, circular DNA. Sufficient for 25 'standard' (20 nM, 100 µl) DNA origami folding reactions.
  • 2 ml at 100 nM. 200 picomoles (299 micrograms) of single-stranded, circular DNA. Sufficient for 100 'standard' (20 nM, 100 µl) DNA origami folding reactions.
  • 2 ml at 400 nM. 800 picomoles (1197 micrograms) of single-stranded, circular DNA. Sufficient for 400 'standard' (20 nM, 100 µl) DNA origami folding reactions.

DNA Sequence

For details and references see our product data sheets (pdf):

Product data sheet 0.5 mL at 100 nM

Product data sheet 2 mL at 100 nM

Product data sheet 2 mL at 400 nM

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